CSR Suite (Technology platform)
Humanation has designed a technology platform for managing large scale CSR programs with exhaustive management tools for a large scale CSR program. The tool can be tailor made for even smaller entities with smaller CSR budget, projects and inputters. The Software was designed for one of the biggest CSR spenders in India, who is having presence in 5 states, 500 villages and their projects are being implemented in seven thematic areas, through 30 NGO partners, benefitting appx 3 lac people.
For managinf such a vast program, we developed interface for corporate as well as NGO partner, who can, on the clieck of a button, take a daily update on the progress of each activity planned under the projects while ensuring adherence to the LFA/ input-output-outcome-impact framework agreed at the inception of the projects. Each project is broken into daily and weekly deliverables, with scope of capturing the beneficiaries through a unique beneficiary ID generated for each beneficiary and beneficiary family. Beneficiary IDs are unique across all interventions and is captured for all projects, thus enabling the funder to track the benefits to individuals throughout their life through different projects, this capability is still absent across most of the CSR softwares in India.
We can deploy tailor made CSR suites as per the requirement of the corporates within a short time, and provide lifelong management, back support, maintenance to the corporates for gradually strengthening their tech adaptability for the CSR department of the organisation, which can further be linked to the ESG deliverables and reporting in future.